How much greater than -10.4 is -6.52?

-10.4 - -6.52 = -3.88 is this correct?

well, your danger sign is that you got a negative answer. If a > b, a-b > 0.

In fact, you read the question backwards.

How much bigger than 4 is 10?

10-4, not 4-10.

Steve, this is a word problem. Not a greater than or less than problem. So can you please recheck, thanks.

To find out how much greater -6.52 is than -10.4, you need to subtract -10.4 from -6.52.

The subtraction of -10.4 from -6.52 is calculated as follows:

-6.52 - (-10.4)

To subtract a negative number, you can change the sign of the second number and then perform addition.

-6.52 + 10.4 = 3.88

Therefore, -6.52 is 3.88 greater than -10.4.