You see a bolt of lightning and hear thunder two seconds later. The speed of sound is about 343 m/s. Estimate?

assume speed of light is infinite for this purpose

two seconds * 343 m/s = 686 meters

To estimate the distance to the lightning strike, you can use the fact that light travels faster than sound. The time it takes for sound to reach you is directly related to the distance between you and the lightning.

Here's how you can estimate the distance to the lightning strike:

1. Note the time between seeing the lightning and hearing the thunder. In this case, it is two seconds.

2. Since the speed of sound is approximately 343 m/s, multiply this value by the time difference:

Distance = Speed of Sound x Time Difference
= 343 m/s x 2 seconds

3. Calculate the distance:

Distance = 686 meters

Therefore, based on this estimate, the lightning strike is approximately 686 meters away from your location. Keep in mind that this method provides only an estimate, as the speed of sound can vary slightly depending on factors such as temperature and humidity.