What is the meaning of the poam OLVIDO by Octavio Paz

this offers two interpretations:


You can search for others by entering the title and author in your browser. Most are in Spanish, but Google or Bing will translate. But, what do YOU think? Poetry, as all art, is up to the reader to decide what it means to him/her.

To understand the meaning of Octavio Paz's poem "Olvido," you can follow these steps:

1. Read and analyze the poem: Start by reading the poem carefully and paying attention to the language, imagery, symbols, and overall structure. Look for recurring themes or motifs that might provide clues to the poem's meaning.

2. Research the poet: Learn about Octavio Paz's background, writing style, and influences. This will give you insights into the context in which "Olvido" was written and help you understand the poet's intentions.

3. Consider historical and cultural context: Explore the social, political, and cultural environment in which Paz was writing. Understanding the historical and cultural backdrop can shed light on the poem's underlying meanings and themes.

4. Interpret the poem's themes and symbolism: Identify the main themes explored in "Olvido" and analyze how they are conveyed through appropriate literary devices. Pay attention to recurring symbols and metaphors and consider their significance in the overall meaning of the poem.

5. Engage with critical analysis: Read literary criticism or scholarly articles about "Olvido." This can help you gain insights from experts who have closely studied Paz's poetry and its various interpretations.

Remember that poetry can be subjective, and different readers may interpret the same poem in different ways. The process of understanding a poem often involves an exploration of personal connection and the reader's own experiences and perspectives.