Compare the results of the French and Indian War among the groups involved. Which groups suffered similar consequences?

American colonists and the Iroquois bore the effects of a massive war debt.

The Spanish and Native American tribes both lost rights to their land.

Neither France nor Britain gained land rights over the Ohio River Valley.

Neither the American colonists nor the Iroquois kept liberties they expected. ***
Plz Help

D I think

I think you're right here. The Iroquois certainly lost some rights, and, as a result of the war, the colonists were taxed to pay for it. At least the British government TRIED. It didn't work out so well for them, but they tried. :)

thx both of u:):):)

Certainly! Based on the information you provided, it seems that the American colonists and the Iroquois suffered similar consequences as a result of the French and Indian War. Both groups had to bear the effects of a massive war debt, meaning they had to shoulder the financial burden of the war. Additionally, neither the American colonists nor the Iroquois were able to keep the liberties they expected, suggesting some loss of freedoms or rights.

To compare the results of the French and Indian War among the groups involved, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the groups involved: In this case, the groups are the American colonists, the Iroquois, the Spanish, the Native American tribes, France, and Britain.

2. List the consequences or effects of the war for each group: Based on the information you provided, the consequences were as follows:
a. American colonists and Iroquois: Massive war debt and loss of expected liberties.
b. Spanish and Native American tribes: Loss of land rights.
c. France and Britain: Neither gained land rights over the Ohio River Valley.

3. Analyze the consequences: Look for similarities or differences in the consequences among the different groups. In this case, the similar consequences include the American colonists and the Iroquois both suffering from a massive war debt and not retaining their expected liberties.

Remember, history is a complex subject, and different sources or interpretations may provide additional information or perspectives on the consequences of the French and Indian War.