Which is the group of words is a fragments sentence: A) After the store don't run around. B)After the store. C) Don't run around.

Which group of words below is the predicate of the sentence:

The quarterback threw the ball down the field.
A)The quarterback threw
B) Threw the ball down the field
C) ball down the field
D)down the field

The predicate is the group of words that begins with a verb.

so its B. its the answer. is it right?

The group of words that is a fragment sentence is option B) "After the store."

To understand why this is a fragment, we need to know what a complete sentence should include. A complete sentence typically consists of a subject (who or what the sentence is about) and a predicate (what the subject does or is).

In option B, "After the store" is a dependent clause that starts with a subordinating conjunction ("After"). However, it lacks a main clause, which would provide the necessary subject and predicate to make it a complete sentence. As a result, it is considered a fragment because it does not express a complete thought on its own.