A man leaves 1/2 of his property to his wife, 1/3 to his son and the remaining to his daughter. If the daughter's share is rs.5,000, how much money did the man leave? How much money did his wife get? what is his son's share?

daughter's share = 1 - 1/2 - 1/3 = 1/6

(1/6)x = 5000
x = 30000

take over

To find out how much money the man left, we need to find the total value of his property. We can determine this by finding the value of the daughter's share and then determining the remaining portion.

Let's start by calculating the daughter's share. We are given that her share is rs. 5,000, which represents 1/3 of the remaining property after the wife and son have received their share.

To calculate the remaining property after the daughter's share, we need to multiply her share by 3/1 (since 1/3 is the daughter's share and we want to find the total property value):

Daughter's share = 1/3 of the remaining property
5000 = (1/3) * Remaining property
Remaining property = 5000 * (3/1)
Remaining property = 15,000

Now, to find out how much money the man left in total, we add the wife's, son's, and daughter's shares:

Total property = Wife's share + Son's share + Daughter's share
Total property = (1/2) * Total property + (1/3) * Total property + 5000

To solve this equation, we first need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 2 and 3 is 6:

Total property = (3/6) * Total property + (2/6) * Total property + 5000
Total property = (5/6) * Total property + 5000

To get rid of the fraction, we need to multiply both sides of the equation by 6:

6 * Total property = 6 * (5/6) * Total property + 6 * 5000
6 * Total property = 5 * Total property + 30,000

Subtracting 5 * Total property from both sides:

6 * Total property - 5 * Total property = 30,000
Total property = 30,000

So, the man left rs. 30,000.

To determine how much money his wife got, we multiply the total property by 1/2:

Wife's share = (1/2) * Total property
Wife's share = (1/2) * 30,000
Wife's share = 15,000

Therefore, the wife got rs. 15,000.

To find the son's share, we multiply the total property by 1/3:

Son's share = (1/3) * Total property
Son's share = (1/3) * 30,000
Son's share = 10,000

Hence, the son received rs. 10,000.