An Li reached puberty at age 12, and John Smith retired at age 65. An Li’s and John Smith’s experiences are examples of:

A. normative events.
B. non-normtive influences
C. critical periods
D. risk factors
Is B the correct answer


To verify if B is the correct answer, let's first understand what each option means:

A. Normative events: These are events or experiences that are typical and expected to happen to most people within a particular culture or society. Examples include puberty, going to school, getting a job, and retiring.

B. Non-normative influences: These are events or experiences that are unique to an individual or occur outside the typical timeframe, and they may have a significant impact on the individual's development. Examples include a car accident, winning the lottery, or experiencing a personal tragedy.

C. Critical periods: These are specific time periods in development when certain experiences or stimuli are necessary for proper development to occur. If these experiences or stimuli are missed, it can result in permanent developmental issues. Examples include language development in early childhood or visual development during infancy.

D. Risk factors: These are factors or conditions that increase the likelihood of negative outcomes or the occurrence of a certain health or developmental issue. Examples include genetic predispositions, exposure to toxins, or living in a chaotic or stressful environment.

In this case, An Li reaching puberty at age 12 and John Smith retiring at age 65 do not fall under critical periods or risk factors as they do not involve specific time-sensitive developmental requirements or increased likelihood of negative outcomes. However, they are typical events that happen to most people, so they can be considered examples of normative events. Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. Normative events.

By understanding the definitions of the options and applying them to the given scenario, we can determine the correct answer.