The composition of a neighborhood affects how children turn out. The two most powerful factors in determining positive or negative developmental outcomes are:

A. role models and drugs
B. human capital and race
C. wealth and poverty
D. income and human capital
I choose D

Is D the correct answer


would A be the right answer

Yes. I think A is best.

D. income and human capital

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the concept of positive or negative developmental outcomes and the factors that influence them.

Positive or negative developmental outcomes refer to the long-term effects on an individual's growth, well-being, and success. These outcomes can be influenced by various factors, including the composition of a neighborhood.

The two most powerful factors mentioned in the question are income and human capital.

1. Income: Income refers to the amount of money an individual or household earns. It can play a significant role in determining positive or negative outcomes for children in a neighborhood. Higher income levels generally provide access to more resources, such as quality education, healthcare, and extracurricular activities, which can positively influence a child's development. Conversely, lower income levels may limit access to these resources, potentially leading to negative outcomes.

2. Human Capital: Human capital is the stock of knowledge, skills, abilities, and experiences that individuals possess. It represents an individual's ability to contribute to economic productivity and personal growth. In the context of a neighborhood's influence on children's outcomes, human capital refers to the education, skills, and knowledge of the adults residing in the community. Neighborhoods with residents who possess higher levels of human capital, such as higher levels of educational attainment, can create an environment that supports positive developmental outcomes for children.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. income and human capital. A combination of higher income levels and a higher level of human capital within a neighborhood can positively influence children's developmental outcomes.