Tony is making half-pound bags of trail mix for a camping trip with his

scout troop. He has 101
/2 pounds of peanuts and 91
/2 pounds of raisins.
How many bags of trail mix can he make in all?

10 1/2 + 9 1/2 = 20 pounds

20 / (1/2) =

20 * 2 = ?

how do I do the problem and what is the answer

To find the number of bags of trail mix Tony can make, we need to divide the total weight of trail mix ingredients by the weight of each bag.

First, let's calculate the total weight of peanuts and raisins:
Peanuts = 101/2 pounds = 50.5 pounds
Raisins = 91/2 pounds = 45.5 pounds

Next, we need to determine the weight of each bag. We know that each bag is half a pound.

Now, let's divide the total weight of trail mix ingredients by the weight of each bag:
Total weight of trail mix = Peanuts + Raisins = 50.5 + 45.5 = 96 pounds
Weight of each bag = 0.5 pounds

Finally, we can find the number of bags of trail mix Tony can make by dividing the total weight of trail mix by the weight of each bag:
Number of bags of trail mix = Total weight of trail mix / Weight of each bag = 96 / 0.5 = 192

Therefore, Tony can make a total of 192 bags of trail mix.

Do you mean 10 1/2 and 9 1/2?



You're very welcome.

trust me i don't do this to get the answers only when i need help! once again TY!

HELP! do we divide 10 1/2 and 9 1/2 by 1/2 or do we add those two numbers than divide