Shane is 34 years younger than Leah. 8 years ago, Leah's age was 2 times Shane's age. How old is Shane now?

A) Translate the given information into an equation using the variable x = current age of Shane. Your equation should tell the story of the problem to someone reading it. That means your equation should contain 34, 8, and 2. Since you will be comparing the ages of Shane and Leah 8 years ago, 8 should appear once on each side of the equation. Do not simplify your equation.

B) How old is Shane currently?

Shane is_______ years old.

B) 68... old.. yeah 68 for question B

thank u

is the equation

I think that's right.

thank you

A) Let the current age of Shane be represented by x. The given information states that Shane is 34 years younger than Leah, so Leah's current age can be expressed as x + 34.

Eight years ago, Shane's age was x - 8 and Leah's age was (x + 34) - 8. The problem also states that Leah's age 8 years ago was 2 times Shane's age 8 years ago. Therefore, the equation based on this information can be written as:

(x + 34) - 8 = 2(x - 8)

B) To determine Shane's current age, we need to solve the equation from part A.

Expanding the equation, we get:

x + 26 = 2x - 16

Now, combine like terms:

x - 2x = -16 - 26

Simplifying further:

-x = -42

Multiply both sides of the equation by -1 to isolate x:

x = 42

Hence, Shane is currently 42 years old.

Therefore, the answer is:

B) Shane is 42 years old.