The degree measure of the vertex angle is (3x-8). The degree measure for each base angle is (6x-41). What is the value of vertex angle?

Is this a triangle?

If so, the three angles add to 180
3x-8 + 2(6x-41)=180
soklve for x, then figure what 3x-8 is.

Why does it say plus 2?

Nvm I got it

The answer is 12

To find the value of the vertex angle, we need to know the relationship between the vertex angle and the base angles of a triangle. In a triangle, the sum of all three angles is always 180 degrees.

We can use this relationship to form an equation based on the given information:

Vertex Angle + Base Angle + Base Angle = 180

Substituting the given expressions for the vertex angle and base angle, we have:

(3x - 8) + (6x - 41) + (6x - 41) = 180

Now, let's solve this equation to determine the value of x and, consequently, the value of the vertex angle.

Combining like terms, we have:

3x - 8 + 6x - 41 + 6x - 41 = 180

Simplifying further:

15x - 90 = 180

Adding 90 to both sides of the equation:

15x = 180 + 90

15x = 270

Finally, dividing both sides by 15, we get:

x = 270 / 15

x = 18

Now, we can substitute the value of x back into the expression for the vertex angle to find its value:

Vertex Angle = 3x - 8
Vertex Angle = 3(18) - 8
Vertex Angle = 54 - 8
Vertex Angle = 46

Therefore, the value of the vertex angle is 46 degrees.