How many times heavier is a 16 1/2 pound rock than a 10 1/2 pound rock

16.5 / 10.5 = 1.5714

How many times heavier is a 16 1/2 pound rock than a 10 1/2 pound rock

To calculate how many times heavier a rock is compared to another rock, you can use the ratio of their weights.

In this case, you have a 16 1/2 pound rock and a 10 1/2 pound rock. To convert these mixed numbers to fractions, you can write them as 16 1/2 = 33/2 and 10 1/2 = 21/2.

Now, to find out how many times heavier the 16 1/2 pound rock is compared to the 10 1/2 pound rock, divide their weights: (33/2) / (21/2).

When dividing fractions, you can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. So, (33/2) / (21/2) = (33/2) * (2/21).

The denominator and numerator of the second fraction can be simplified, resulting in: (33/1) * (1/7) = 33/7.

Therefore, the 16 1/2 pound rock is approximately 4.71 times heavier than the 10 1/2 pound rock.