How much time will it take a car travelling at 88 km/hr (55 mi/hr) to travel 500km?

500 km (1 hr/88 km) = 5.61 hr

or one hour and 41 minutes

5orry, 5 hours and 41 minutes

how do i find that

500/55 = 9.09

To find the time it takes for a car to travel a given distance at a certain speed, you can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

First, let's convert the speed from km/hr to mi/hr. To do this, we can use the conversion factor: 1 km = 0.621371 mi

88 km/hr * 0.621371 mi/km = 54.680808 mi/hr (rounded to the nearest thousandth)

Now, we can calculate the time it takes to travel 500 km using the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

Time = 500 km / 88 km/hr

Time = 5.68181818 hours (rounded to the nearest millionth)

Therefore, it will take approximately 5.682 hours for the car to travel 500 km at a speed of 88 km/hr (55 mi/hr).