1. What actions did progressives take to deal with the issue of child labor?

A: Progressives established a National Child Labor Comittee in 1904 to work to abolish child labor.

2. How did Roosevelt's policies help protect the health of consumers and the conseervatikn of natural resources?

A: Roosevelt's policies helped protect the health of consumers immensely. The Meat Inspection Act required federal inspection of meat sold through interstate commerce and required the Argiculture Department to set standards of cleanliness in meat packing plants. The Pure Food and Drug act, passed on the same day by Roosevelt in 1906, prohibited the manufacture, sale, or shipment of impure or falsely labeled food and drugs. Roosevelt's policies also helped protect the conservation of natural resources. For example, the Newlands Reclamation Act authorized the use of Federal funds from public land sales to apply for irrigation and land development projects.

I think you can add to question 1. Your answer to #2 is good!

To find the actions that progressives took to deal with the issue of child labor, one can start by researching the progressive era and the efforts made during that time to address social issues. It is important to look for reliable sources, such as history books, articles, or academic journals, to get accurate information. Online databases or libraries can be helpful in finding such sources.

To understand how Roosevelt's policies helped protect the health of consumers and the conservation of natural resources, one can begin by studying the policies implemented during his presidency. Reading books or articles about Roosevelt and his administration can provide valuable insights. Additionally, government websites or archives may have information about Roosevelt's policies and their impacts. Analyzing primary sources, such as speeches or official documents from that era, could also offer a comprehensive understanding of the measures taken to protect consumer health and conserve natural resources under Roosevelt.