1. How did the muckrakers help spark the Progressive movement?

A: The muckrakers investigated social problems and published their findings. The muckrakers' articles led to a general public debate on social and economic problems and put pressure on politicians to introduce reforms.

2. Why did progressives want to reorganize city government?

A: Progressives wanted to reorganize city government because they believed that many problems in society could be solved if government worked properly and were more efficient.

3. What was the impact of the Seventeenth Amendment? What was it intended to solve?

A: The Seventeenth Amendment countered Senate corruption and removed one of the state legislatures' checks on federal power. This amendment, however, was only intended to end Senate corruption.

4. How successful were women in lobbying to achieve passage of the Nineteenth Amendment?

A: Women were very successful in lobbying to achieve passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. By lobbing lawmakers, organizing marches and delivering speeches, many states such as Washington, Oregon, California, Arizonia, and Kansas had granted women full voting rights by the end of 1912.

Good answers.

I would add to #2 that many big-city governments were quite corrupt. Reforms were intended to "clean up" corrupt power structures so that government could better respond to real needs of people. Otherwise your answers are very good.

To find the answer to the first question about the impact of muckrakers on the Progressive movement, you can conduct research on the role of muckrakers during that time period. Look for reliable sources such as books, academic journals, and reputable websites that discuss the Progressive era and the involvement of muckrakers. These sources can provide insights into the specific investigations conducted by muckrakers, the content of their articles, and the public reaction to their findings.

For the second question about the motivation behind progressives' desire to reorganize city government, you can explore the goals and beliefs of the progressive movement. Look for sources that discuss the progressive reform agenda, which often emphasized the need for more efficient and responsive government at all levels. Books, articles, and historical documents related to the Progressive era can provide information on the specific concerns and proposed solutions regarding city government organization.

To understand the impact and intentions of the Seventeenth Amendment, you can consult primary and secondary sources related to the amendment's history and purpose. Look for scholarly analyses, government documents, and reliable historical accounts that discuss the reasons for its adoption and the effects it had on the balance of power between state legislatures and the federal government. These sources can provide insights into the corruption that motivated the amendment and the intended outcomes of its implementation.

For the fourth question concerning the success of women in lobbying for the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment, you can research the women's suffrage movement and the strategies employed by women activists during that time period. Explore sources that discuss the efforts made by suffragettes, the obstacles they faced, and the impact of their campaigning on the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment. Historical records, biographies, and articles can provide information on specific individuals, events, and the overall progress of the suffrage movement.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find, considering their credibility, author expertise, and potential biases. Combining information from multiple reliable sources will help ensure a comprehensive and accurate understanding of these historical topics.