Last year kemi who happens to be my sister was 2wice as old as my lovely brillant primary school friend femi,last three years when i was two less than femi age now.the sum of kemi age next 9years and femi age now and my age three year will be equal to 60....what is our present age now???

(2):if damon whom i love so much is half my age next 16years.when femi age whom is two less than my age,was twice our lovely brother present age.if femi is never a year less or more older than my lovely brother.find damon ages?

Maybe you should consult someone local who can understand your garbled instructions. Like, oh, I don't know, someone who speaks your language?


To solve the first problem, let's break it down step by step:

Let's assume your present age is x years.

According to the information given, last year Kemi was twice as old as Femi, so Kemi's age last year would be (2 * Femi's age last year).

Three years ago, when you were two years less than Femi's age now, your age would be (Femi's age now - 2).

The sum of Kemi's age nine years from now, Femi's age now, and your age three years from now is equal to 60. So, we can set up the equation:

(Kemi's age in 9 years) + (Femi's age now) + (Your age in 3 years) = 60

(Kemi's age now + 9) + (Femi's age now) + (x + 3) = 60

Now, let's go back to the first piece of information given, that last year Kemi was twice as old as Femi:

(Kemi's age now - 1) = 2 * (Femi's age now - 1)

Kemi's age now - 1 = 2F - 2
Kemi's age now = 2F - 1

Substituting this value into the previous equation, we get:

(2F - 1 + 9) + (F + x + 3) = 60

Simplifying the equation:

2F + F + x + 11 = 60
3F + x = 49

From the given information, we know that Femi is never a year less or more older than your lovely brother. So, let's assume your lovely brother's present age is y years.

Femi's age = y + 2

Substituting this value into the equation, we get:

3(y + 2) + x = 49
3y + 6 + x = 49

We know that Damon, whom you love so much, is half your age next 16 years. So, his age will be:

Damon's age in 16 years = (x + 16) / 2

I hope this explanation helps you understand how to approach the problems. Plug in the values of x and y into the equations to find the present ages.