I have to answer some questions about the artwork "Last supper" from the Rossano Gosepl but i need help cause i am really confused.

1) What message or meaning do you think this artwork conveys?

2) why is this artist an important one to know historically

3) what is the artists theme/subject in this work?

4) why did this artist create this work, what was happening in his life, what is the message?

5) artistic period/style name

Here are two articles about the illustration:


1) To understand the message or meaning conveyed by the artwork "Last Supper" from the Rossano Gospel, it is important to carefully observe the piece and analyze its composition, symbols, and context. Start by examining the figures and their expressions, noting the central figure of Jesus and the disciples surrounding him. Look for any specific details or symbols that may stand out, such as the placement of hands, gestures, or objects on the table. Consider the overall atmosphere and mood depicted in the scene.

Reading about the historical and cultural background of the artwork, as well as the religious significance of the Last Supper event in Christianity, can provide context for interpreting the message. Additionally, researching the artistic influences and techniques utilized by the artist can offer further insight.

2) Understanding the historical significance of an artist like Rossano Gospel requires researching the artist's background, their contribution to the art world, and their impact on subsequent artists or movements. Look for information about the artist's role in their contemporary art scene, any groundbreaking techniques or styles they employed, and any major exhibitions or recognition they received. Learning about the artist's biography, influences, and artistic philosophy can shed light on their importance in the context of art history.

3) The theme or subject of the artwork "Last Supper" can be inferred from its title and subject matter. The Last Supper is a significant event in Christian tradition, depicting Jesus sharing a final meal with his twelve disciples before his crucifixion. The artist may have chosen to portray this scene to evoke emotions, emphasize the importance of the event, or explore religious themes. Analyze the composition, colors, and details in the artwork to uncover any specific messages or themes that the artist may have intended to convey.

4) To understand why the artist created the "Last Supper" artwork and the message it carries, it is helpful to research historical information about the artist's life and the context in which the artwork was created. Look for any personal events, religious experiences, or specific influences that may have motivated the artist to tackle this subject matter. It is also important to consider the societal and cultural factors that may have influenced the artist's work and the intended audience of the artwork. By exploring these aspects, you can gain a better understanding of the artist's motivations and the message they aimed to communicate.

5) Researching the artistic period or style associated with the artwork "Last Supper" can help provide a broader understanding of the artwork's characteristics and influences. The artistic period or style can typically be identified by considering various factors, such as the techniques used, the visual elements employed, and the characteristics of the artwork as compared to other works from the same period. Look for information about art movements, historical periods, or artistic trends that were prevalent during or influential to the artist's work. This will help you recognize and articulate the period or style in which the "Last Supper" artwork belongs.