Why are all the school bus yellow?

A) schools B) busses

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You have just to chose which is the write answer. a or b?for me is the B is the correct plural answer.

The reason why most school buses are yellow is because of a combination of factors related to safety and visibility. The color yellow was chosen for school buses because it is easily noticeable from a distance and stands out among other vehicles on the road. This helps to ensure that drivers can easily recognize a school bus and take caution while driving near it.

The standardization of school bus color is primarily driven by the regulations and guidelines set by the government authorities responsible for transportation and education. In the United States, for example, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have established regulations and recommendations for school bus design, including color.

To find this information, you can start by searching on the internet for relevant articles or official guidelines from transportation or education authorities. Additionally, you can look for studies or research papers that may have been conducted on the topic of school bus color and safety. By reviewing credible sources and reputable websites, you can gather information to gain a better understanding of why school buses are typically yellow.