the temperature of a chemical compound was 0 degrees Celsius at 10:00 AM. During a reaction, it dropped 3 degrees Celsius per minute until 10:13 A.M. What was the temperature at 10:13 A.M?

-3 * 13 = _______ degrees Celsius

so -3x13 would give you the answer. how did you come up with that ?

Dropped 3 degrees a minute = -3

10:00 to 10:13 = 13 minutes

To find the temperature at 10:13 AM, we need to determine how many minutes have passed since 10:00 AM and then calculate the temperature change during that time.

Step 1: Calculate the number of minutes that have passed from 10:00 AM to 10:13 AM.

10:13 AM - 10:00 AM = 13 minutes

Since 13 minutes have passed, we know that the temperature has dropped 3 degrees Celsius per minute during this time.

Step 2: Calculate the temperature drop during the 13 minutes.

Temperature drop = 3 degrees Celsius/minute * 13 minutes = 39 degrees Celsius

Step 3: Calculate the final temperature at 10:13 AM by subtracting the temperature drop from the initial temperature.

Final temperature = Initial temperature - Temperature drop

Since the initial temperature was 0 degrees Celsius, we can substitute the values into the equation:

Final temperature = 0 degrees Celsius - 39 degrees Celsius = -39 degrees Celsius

Therefore, the temperature at 10:13 AM was -39 degrees Celsius.