15. Who should address the needs of a patient with a mental disorder?

A. speech therapist
B. An internal Medicine Doctor
C. A mental health Professional***
D. A medical intern

12. If you've started a lot of hobbies all at once, you should watch out for clinical depression to set in.

False ***

10. If you're concerned about factors associated with mental illness, you don't need to worry about _____.

A. Heredity
B. Virus Infections ***
C. Physical factors
D. early experiences.

7. Which is NOT a type of psychotherapy used to treat mental disorders?

A. Insight therapy
B. Group therapy
C. Drug therapy ***
D. Cognitive therapy

3. Which is NOT a health professional who treats mental and emotional disorders?

A. Psychiatrist
B. Neurologist ***
C. Social Worker
D. Psychologist

Please check my answers! THANK YOU! :)

i took the whole test here's the answers

2. medications
3. neurologist
4. anxiety disorder
5. neurologist
6. clinical depression
7. drug therapy
8. social worker
9. being sad for a while after your friend moves away
10. virus infections
11. leave him alone to work it out
12. false
13. obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
14. 20
15. a mental health professional

"ur welcome" is 100% correct for connexus students

15 - correct

12 - I don't know
10 - correct
7 - incorrect (drug therapy is quite common)
3 - incorrect

7. Cognitive therapy is my closet answer

3. Are you sure? Because I'm sure its meant to be neurologist :/

I know this is past the point, but for future reference number 3. is B

I picked d idk why but I know that neurologist and psychiatrist is the same thing

Ur welcome is 100% correct

“ Ur welcome” thank u so so much thát helpéd mé soo soo mucho gracias

15. You answered C. A mental health Professional, which is correct. When it comes to addressing the needs of a patient with a mental disorder, a mental health professional is the most appropriate choice. They are specifically trained to diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders.

12. You answered False, which is correct. If you have started a lot of hobbies all at once, it does not necessarily mean that clinical depression will set in. While it's important to be aware of potential signs of depression, it does not automatically mean it will happen.

10. You answered B. Virus Infections, which is correct. Factors associated with mental illness include heredity, physical factors, and early experiences. Virus infections, on the other hand, are not typically considered a factor associated with mental illness.

7. You answered C. Drug therapy, which is correct. Drug therapy is not a type of psychotherapy used to treat mental disorders. Psychotherapy usually involves approaches like insight therapy, group therapy, and cognitive therapy.

3. You answered B. Neurologist, which is correct. A neurologist is a medical professional who specializes in treating disorders of the nervous system, but they are not typically involved in treating mental and emotional disorders. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers are more commonly involved in the treatment of mental and emotional disorders.