


12 x - 4 w -36 w + 12 x

24 x - 40 w

To simplify the expression -4(-3x+w)+6(-6w+2x), you need to distribute the factors outside the parentheses to each individual term inside the parentheses and then combine like terms.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Distribute -4 to each term inside the first set of parentheses:

-4 * (-3x + w) = 12x - 4w

2. Distribute 6 to each term inside the second set of parentheses:

6 * (-6w + 2x) = -36w + 12x

Now we have:

12x - 4w + (-36w + 12x)

3. Group like terms:

Combine the terms that have the same variable.

(12x + 12x) + (-4w - 36w) = 24x - 40w

Finally, the simplified expression is 24x - 40w.