Solve the following systems algebraic ally



subtract 2 from 1
ur turn


subtract 2 from 1
ur turn

(4.3,-2.3) is it correct

In Eq2, replace Y with 5:

x - 5 = 2.
X = 7.

(x, y) = (7, 5).

To solve the given system of equations algebraically, we'll use the method of substitution:

Step 1: Start with the second equation: X - y = 2

Step 2: Solve this equation for X in terms of y by adding y to both sides: X = 2 + y.

Step 3: Substitute this expression for X in the first equation: (2 + y) + 2y = 17.

Step 4: Simplify by combining like terms: 2 + y + 2y = 17. Combining y and 2y gives us 3y.

Step 5: Continue simplifying: 2 + 3y = 17.

Step 6: Isolate the variable by subtracting 2 from both sides: 3y = 15.

Step 7: Divide both sides by 3 to solve for y: y = 5.

Step 8: Substitute this value of y back into the second equation: X - 5 = 2.

Step 9: Solve for X by adding 5 to both sides: X = 2 + 5.

Step 10: Simplify: X = 7.

So the solution to the system of equations is X = 7 and y = 5.