Marie gets $500 pocket money each day,she spends $300 each day. Write fractions to show the money spent and money left:

(1) at the end of 1 day
(2) at the end of 1 week

300/500; 200/500

2100/3500; 1400/3500

I wanna see the working

(1) At the end of 1 day:

Money spent: $300
Money left: $500 - $300 = $200

Fractions to represent the money spent and money left:

Money spent = $300 / $500 = 3/5
Money left = $200 / $500 = 2/5

(2) At the end of 1 week (7 days):

Total money spent: $300/day * 7 days = $2100
Total money left: $500/day * 7 days - $2100 = $700

Fractions to represent the money spent and money left:

Money spent = $2100 / $3500 = 6/10
Money left = $700 / $3500 = 2/10 = 1/5

To find the fractions representing the money spent and money left, we need to divide the amount spent/amount left by the total amount.

(1) At the end of 1 day:
Amount spent = $300
Amount left = Total amount - Amount spent = $500 - $300 = $200

Fraction of money spent = Amount spent / Total amount = $300 / $500 = 3/5
Fraction of money left = Amount left / Total amount = $200 / $500 = 2/5

Therefore, at the end of 1 day, Marie spent 3/5 of her pocket money, and she has 2/5 of her pocket money left.

(2) At the end of 1 week (7 days):
Total pocket money for 1 week = $500 * 7 = $3500
Total amount spent in 1 week = $300 * 7 = $2100

Amount left = Total pocket money - Total amount spent = $3500 - $2100 = $1400

Fraction of money spent = Total amount spent / Total pocket money = $2100 / $3500 = 3/5
Fraction of money left = Amount left / Total pocket money = $1400 / $3500 = 2/5

Therefore, at the end of 1 week, Marie spent 3/5 of her pocket money, and she has 2/5 of her pocket money left.