How many votes does each state have in the Electoral College?

is equal to number of members the state has in congress

Just checking if this is correct.



I need help with this one.

Which type of election limits voter participation to party members?

Primary, Runoff, General, or Referenda


Yes, you are correct! The number of votes each state has in the Electoral College is equal to the number of members the state has in Congress. The total number of members in Congress is calculated by combining the number of senators and representatives from each state.

Every state is guaranteed two senators, which means that the minimum number of electoral votes any state can have is three (two senators plus one representative). The number of representatives a state has is determined by its population, and it can vary from state to state. The more populous a state is, the more representatives it will have.

To summarize, the total number of electoral votes for a state is equal to the number of senators (always two) plus the number of representatives it has, which is based on its population.