Complete predicates ,Mr.sanders traveled to Sacramento for a business meeting

traveled to Sacramento for a business meeting

To identify the complete predicates in the sentence "Mr. Sanders traveled to Sacramento for a business meeting," we first need to understand what a complete predicate is. In English grammar, a complete predicate includes the main verb along with any additional words or phrases that modify or complete the action of the verb.

In the given sentence, the main verb is "traveled." Let's examine the additional words or phrases that modify or complete the action:

1. "to Sacramento" - This prepositional phrase indicates the destination or where Mr. Sanders traveled.
2. "for a business meeting" - This prepositional phrase provides information about the purpose of Mr. Sanders' travel.

Combining the main verb with these modifying phrases, we can determine the complete predicates in the sentence:

1. "traveled to Sacramento"
2. "traveled to Sacramento for a business meeting"

Both of these phrases are complete predicates because they include the main verb and provide additional details about the action.