Could someone please check my History questions? Any help will be greatly appreciated! My answers are under the question...

3) Which of these would have been MOST likely to take the Oregon Trail?
A) Native Americans migrating from the east
B) Americans trying to settle on the west coast
C) People riding on the Transcontinental Railroads
D) Escaped slaves trying to reach freedom in the North
Answer~ B or C I don’t know which
4) The policy of the US government toward the Indians in the period immediately prior to the Civil War was to
A) Drive them out of the country and into Canada.
B) Move the Indian population on to reservations.
C) Grant citizenship and voting rights to Indians.
D) Require the education of Indian children in public schools.
7) In the early 1800s, the Mississippi River was important to the United States because it
A) Served as a major highway for trade
B) Led to wars between Great Britain and Spain
C) Divided the Indian territories from the United States
D) Served as a border between the United States and Mexico

3. Which is it?

The other answers are right.

I think #3 is B

3) To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the purpose and significance of the Oregon Trail. The Oregon Trail was a route used by American pioneers in the 19th century to travel from the eastern parts of the United States to the west coast.

A) Native Americans migrating from the east: While Native Americans did migrate, it is unlikely that they would have taken the Oregon Trail. The Oregon Trail was primarily used by American pioneers, not Native Americans.

B) Americans trying to settle on the west coast: This is the most likely answer. The Oregon Trail was primarily used by American settlers who wanted to establish new settlements on the west coast.

C) People riding on the Transcontinental Railroads: The Transcontinental Railroads were built later in the 19th century and provided a faster and more efficient mode of transportation compared to the Oregon Trail. It is unlikely that people would have used the Oregon Trail if there were railroads available.

D) Escaped slaves trying to reach freedom in the North: While the Oregon Trail was used by people seeking a better life, it is generally associated with westward settlement rather than the escape of slaves.

Based on the information provided, the correct answer would be B) Americans trying to settle on the west coast.

4) In order to answer this question, we need to have knowledge about the US government's policies toward Native Americans prior to the Civil War.

A) Drive them out of the country and into Canada: While there were efforts to remove Native Americans from their ancestral lands, the intention was not to drive them out of the country and into Canada.

B) Move the Indian population onto reservations: This is the correct answer. Prior to the Civil War, the US government pursued a policy of relocating Native American tribes to reservations, often in less desirable lands.

C) Grant citizenship and voting rights to Indians: Prior to the Civil War, Native Americans were not granted citizenship or voting rights. These rights were only extended to them much later.

D) Require the education of Indian children in public schools: There were efforts to assimilate Native American children into American society through the establishment of federally-funded Indian boarding schools, but this policy was not widespread during the period immediately prior to the Civil War.

Based on the information provided, the correct answer would be B) Move the Indian population onto reservations.

7) To answer this question, we need to understand the significance of the Mississippi River in the early 19th century.

A) Served as a major highway for trade: This is the correct answer. The Mississippi River was an essential transportation route for goods and services during this period, allowing for trade and economic development.

B) Led to wars between Great Britain and Spain: The Mississippi River did play a role in territorial disputes between different European powers, but it was not the cause of wars between Great Britain and Spain.

C) Divided the Indian territories from the United States: While the Mississippi River did impact Native American land and territories, it did not divide them from the United States as a whole.

D) Served as a border between the United States and Mexico: The Mississippi River did not serve as a border between the United States and Mexico. The border between the United States and Mexico was primarily defined by the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.

Based on the information provided, the correct answer would be A) Served as a major highway for trade.