jessie uses 20 liters of gasoline to travel 200 kilometers,how many liters of gasoline will he uses on trip of 700 kilometers?give the direct solution


=70 litre

To find out how many liters of gasoline Jessie will use on a trip of 700 kilometers, we can set up a proportion using the ratio of distance to gasoline used.

The ratio of distance to gasoline used is 200 kilometers to 20 liters: 200 km/20 L.

To find out how much gasoline will be used for 700 kilometers, we set up the proportion:

200 km/20 L = 700 km/x L

To solve for x (the unknown amount of gasoline), we cross-multiply and solve for x:

200 km * x L = 700 km * 20 L

200x = 14000

Dividing both sides by 200:

x = 14000/200

x = 70

So, Jessie will use 70 liters of gasoline on a trip of 700 kilometers.

To find the number of liters of gasoline Jessie will use on a trip of 700 kilometers, we can use the concept of proportionality.

In the given scenario:
Jessie uses 20 liters of gasoline to travel 200 kilometers.

To set up a proportion, we can use the relationship between liters of gasoline used and the distance traveled. We can write it as:

20 liters / 200 kilometers = x liters / 700 kilometers

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

(20 liters) * (700 kilometers) = (200 kilometers) * (x liters)

14000 liters * kilometers = 200 kilometers * x liters

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 200:

x liters = (14000 liters * kilometers) / 200 kilometers
= 70 liters (after simplifying)

Therefore, Jessie will need 70 liters of gasoline for a trip of 700 kilometers.

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