Use mathematical induction to prove that the statement is true for every positive integer n. Show your work.

2 is a factor of n2 - n + 2

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To prove that the statement is true for every positive integer n using mathematical induction, we need to follow three steps:

1. Base Case: Start by showing that the statement holds for the smallest possible value of n, which is typically 1.
2. Inductive Hypothesis: Assume that the statement is true for some arbitrary positive integer k, which is typically called the "inductive hypothesis."
3. Inductive Step: Prove that if the statement is true for k, it must also be true for k+1.

Let's proceed with the proof:

Base Case:
For n = 1,

n^2 - n + 2 = 1^2 - 1 + 2 = 2

Since 2 is a factor of 2 (2 divided by 2 gives a remainder of 0), the statement holds for n = 1.

Inductive Hypothesis:
Assume that for some k > 1, 2 is a factor of k^2 - k + 2.

Inductive Step:
We need to establish that if the statement holds for k, then it also holds for k+1.

Consider (k+1)^2 - (k+1) + 2:

(k+1)^2 - (k+1) + 2 = k^2 + 2k + 1 - k - 1 + 2 = k^2 + k + 2

Using the inductive hypothesis, we can rewrite k^2 + k + 2 as 2m, where m is some positive integer. This gives:

k^2 + k + 2 = 2m

Adding 2 to both sides of the equation:

k^2 + k + 2 + 2 = 2m + 2

Simplifying, we get:

k^2 + (k+1) + 2 = 2(m + 1)

This shows that (k+1)^2 - (k+1) + 2 can be expressed as 2 times some positive integer (m+1), which means 2 is a factor of (k+1)^2 - (k+1) + 2.

Since we have established the base case and the inductive step, we can conclude by mathematical induction that the statement "2 is a factor of n^2 - n + 2" is true for every positive integer n.