15 less than one-ninth of P

P/9 - 15

What is your question?

Px1/9-15 =p/9-15

To find the answer to "15 less than one-ninth of P," you'll first need to calculate one-ninth of P, and then subtract 15 from that result.

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Calculate one-ninth of P
To find one-ninth of P, you need to divide P by 9. So the equation would be:
(one-ninth of P) = P/9

Step 2: Subtract 15
Now that you know one-ninth of P is P/9, you need to subtract 15 from that result. The equation would be:
(15 less than one-ninth of P) = (P/9) - 15

So the final expression is: (P/9) - 15. This represents the value that is 15 less than one-ninth of P.