in the finish of patsy barnes how does patsy react to his mothers treatment by the city doctor

A) gratitude
D) puzzlement

Here are the two paragraphs you need.

""You needn't sniffle," said the doctor; "I don't see what you people want to come up here for anyhow. Why don't you stay down South where you belong? You come up here and you're just a burden and a trouble to the city. The South deals with all of you better, both in poverty and crime." He knew that these people did not understand him, but he wanted an outlet for the heat within him.

"There was another angry being in the room, and that was Patsy. His eyes were full of tears that scorched him and would not fall. The memory of many beautiful and appropriate oaths came to him; but he dared not let his mother hear him swear. Oh! to have a stone--to be across the street from that man!"

Yo, The Answer Is Letter B

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To understand how Patsy reacts to his mother's treatment by the city doctor in the finish of Patsy Barnes, we need more information about the context or specific details from the story. However, based on the given options, I can provide you with some guidance.

A) Gratitude: Patsy might feel grateful if the city doctor provides excellent care and improves his mother's health.

B) Anger: Patsy might feel angry if the city doctor mistreats or neglects his mother, causing her condition to worsen.

C) Amazement: Patsy might feel amazed if the city doctor introduces a new and effective treatment that helps his mother recover.

D) Puzzlement: Patsy might feel puzzled if he doesn't understand the city doctor's diagnosis or treatment plan.

Consider the events leading up to the finish of the story, Patsy's personality, and any other relevant information to make an informed decision about how Patsy reacts.

To determine how Patsy reacts to his mother's treatment by the city doctor in "The Finish of Patsy Barnes," you could analyze the text or story. Here are some steps to help you find the answer:

1. Read the relevant portion of the story: Review the scenes or dialogue where Patsy interacts with his mother and the city doctor. Pay attention to any specific actions, words, or emotions displayed by Patsy.

2. Look for cues in the text: Observe any descriptions or indications of Patsy's response to his mother's treatment. Note any changes in his behavior, thoughts, or feelings.

3. Analyze Patsy's emotions: Based on the cues and clues you found, consider Patsy's emotional state. Determine whether he expresses gratitude, anger, amazement, puzzlement, or any other emotion.

4. Consider the context and Patsy's personality: Reflect on the overall context of the story, including Patsy's character traits, background, and experiences. This might provide additional insights into his likely reaction.

By following these steps and analyzing the text, you will be better equipped to determine how Patsy reacts to his mother's treatment by the city doctor, and therefore select the correct answer (A) gratitude, (B) anger, (C) amazement, or (D) puzzlement.