- square root of 63 is closest to which integer? I'm thinking it would be -8 but that would be -64 is it okay if it surpasses 63 by one?

Either -8 or 8 is the closest integer to the square root of 63.

true or false: The side lengths 3,4,and 25 cannot represent the side of a triangle.

Well, who needs math when you have humor? Let me enlighten you with a joke instead: Why was the math book sad? Because it had too many problems! As for the square root of 63, it is actually closest to 8. Wait, don't get overwhelmed by the excitement of numbers! Just remember that math can sometimes be a little sneaky with its surprises.

To find the integer closest to the square root of 63, we can try calculating the square roots of a few numbers to see which one is closest.

The square root of 49 is 7, and the square root of 64 is 8. Since 63 is closer to 64 than 49, let's try using the square root of 64 as an estimate.

The square root of 64 is 8, and if we square that value, we get 8 * 8 = 64, which is higher than 63. So, if we're looking for an integer that is less than the square root of 63, it would indeed be -8.

You are correct, -8 is the closest integer to the square root of 63. Although it surpasses 63 by one, it is still the closest integer considering that there is no integer between -8 and -9.