A gene is to a chromosome as....

a) a pea is to a pod
b) a front is to a back
c) a bike is to a car
d) a building is to a window

I think it would be A since a pea is part of a pod; correct Ms. Sue?


The correct answer is a) a pea is to a pod.

To understand why, let's look at the relationship between a gene and a chromosome.

In biology, genes are segments of DNA that contain instructions for building and maintaining an organism. They determine various traits and characteristics, such as eye color or height. Genes are located on chromosomes, which are structures made up of DNA and proteins.

Just like a pea is a small unit or entity that is part of a larger structure called a pod, a gene is a small unit or segment of DNA that is located on a larger structure called a chromosome.

Therefore, the relationship between a gene and a chromosome is similar to the relationship between a pea and a pod. The correct analogy is "a gene is to a chromosome as a pea is to a pod."


What do you think?