C=6.3r gives the approximate circumference C of a circle as a function of its radius r. Identify the independent and dependent variables in this relationship.

the independent variable is the one you change and is usually on the right side. the dependent is the one that changes because of the function and is usually by itself on the left side. but not always! if you have x and y, x is most likely the independent and y is the dependent. in this case, r is independent and C is dependent

In the equation C = 6.3r, the independent variable is the radius "r," which means it can vary or change. The dependent variable is the circumference "C," which relies on the value of the radius and is determined by it.

In the given equation C = 6.3r, we can identify the independent and dependent variables.

The independent variable is the variable that we can choose or control. In this equation, the independent variable is the radius of the circle, denoted by 'r'. It represents the input or starting point for calculating the circumference.

The dependent variable, on the other hand, depends on the value of the independent variable. In this equation, the dependent variable is the circumference of the circle, denoted by 'C'. It represents the output or the result obtained when we input the value of the radius.

To summarize:
- Independent variable: Radius (r)
- Dependent variable: Circumference (C)