My Math Problem is

{4/5n + 9/2} = 49/10

8/10 45/10n = 53/10n

53/10 x 49/10 = 490/530

n= 60
am I correct

(4/5)n = 49/10 - 9/2

(4/5)n = 2/5
4n = 2
n = 1/2

does the answer change if this was an absolute value problem. Thanks

My answers are
a. {-1/75]
B. {1/2-47/4
C. [-201/14,3/2
D. {1/15,5/3}

ahhh, did not see your reply last night, had gone to bed

so it was:
|(4/5)n + 9/2| = 49/10

then (4/5)n + 9/2 = 49/10 OR (-4/5)n - 9/2 = 49/10

I had solved the first version of that and got n = 1/2

solve the second equation to get the second solution.

since n = 1/2 shows up only in B, you should get
n = -47/4 for your second solution

To solve the equation {4/5n + 9/2} = 49/10, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Clear the fractions by multiplying both sides of the equation by the least common denominator (LCD), which in this case is 10.

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 10 gives you:

10 * {4/5n + 9/2} = 10 * (49/10)

This simplifies to:

(10 * 4/5n) + (10 * 9/2) = 49

Step 2: Distribute the 10 on the left side of the equation.

(8/10n) + (90/10) = 49

Step 3: Simplify the expression on the left side of the equation.

8/10n + 9 = 49

Now, subtract 9 from both sides of the equation:

8/10n = 49 - 9

This simplifies to:

8/10n = 40

Step 4: To eliminate the fraction, multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of the fraction, which in this case is 10/8.

(10/8) * (8/10n) = (10/8) * 40

This simplifies to:

1/n = 50

Step 5: Multiply both sides of the equation by n to isolate the variable.

(1/n) * n = 50 * n

This simplifies to:

1 = 50n

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 50 to solve for n:

1/50 = 50n/50

1/50 = n

Therefore, n = 1/50.

Looking at your answer of n = 60, it does not match the correct solution. It seems that there might have been a mistake in the calculations.