Are all horizontal lines parallel Use slope to explain how you know

I put yes

and you are correct.

So, how do you know?

No, not all horizontal lines are parallel. Horizontal lines are lines that have a slope of zero (0). If two lines have the same slope of zero, then they are parallel. However, if two horizontal lines have different slopes, then they are not parallel.

To determine if two lines are parallel using slopes, we need to compare their slopes. The slope of a line can be found by comparing the change in the y-coordinates (vertical change) to the change in the x-coordinates (horizontal change) between two points on the line.

For example, let's consider two horizontal lines:

Line 1: y = 3
Line 2: y = 7

The equation of Line 1 represents a horizontal line passing through y = 3. Since it is a horizontal line, its slope is zero (0). On the other hand, Line 2 is also a horizontal line, but it passes through y = 7. Again, its slope is zero (0). In this case, we can say that Line 1 and Line 2 have the same slope of zero and are parallel.

However, if we consider a different example:

Line 3: y = -2
Line 4: y = 5

Now, Line 3 represents a horizontal line passing through y = -2, with a slope of zero (0). But Line 4 represents a horizontal line passing through y = 5, still with a slope of zero (0). Since the slopes are different, we can conclude that Line 3 and Line 4 are not parallel.

Therefore, it is essential to compare the slopes of the lines in question to determine if they are parallel or not.