In the reading, why did the Dissenters want the Huguenots disenfranchised? give the Dissenters more power gain control of their rich farmland** force them to return to their homeland show their dislike of those with French heritage

In the reading, which statement about the Goose Creek men is NOT true? (1 point)
a.They supported the Dissenters.***

b.They supported the Huguenots.

c.They supported Governor John Archdale.

d.They were members of the Anti-Proprietary party

Am I correct?

what change in 1682 made the government of Carolina more democratic

does anyone know


Based on the given options and your answers, it seems that you have chosen option b for the first question and option a for the second question.

For the first question, you answered correctly. The Dissenters wanted the Huguenots disenfranchised to gain control of their rich farmland.

For the second question, you answered incorrectly. The correct answer is option a. It states that the Goose Creek men supported the Dissenters. However, in the reading, it is mentioned that the Goose Creek men were a group of wealthy landowners who supported the Proprietary government and opposed the Dissenters. Therefore, option a is not true.