Find (-5 i) (1/8 i)

18 divided by 6

(-5 i)(1/8 i)

= (-5/8) i^2 , but i^2 = -1
= 5/8

To find the product of two complex numbers, multiply the real parts together and the imaginary parts together and then combine the results.

In this case, we have:
(-5i) * (1/8i)

First, let's simplify the fraction:
1/8i = 1/i * 1/8 = (1/8) * (1/i)

Now let's multiply the real parts (-5) and (1/8):
(-5) * (1/8) = -5/8

Next, let's multiply the imaginary parts (-i) and (1/i):
(-i) * (1/i) = (-1*i) / i = -1

Finally, combine the two results:
(-5/8) * (-1) = 5/8

Therefore, the product (-5i) * (1/8i) is equal to 5/8.