what comes to mind when you think of ethic or morality what is a example of a ethical belief and explain the the reason.

it is bad to kill

it is wrong to lie, cheat, or steal
it is wrong to bare false witness

There are ethical beliefs.

Actually, it is wrong to bear false witness. In other words, to lie. To bare it is to expose it. Generally, ethics and morality is whatever a culture deems to be good and bad. Murdering your mother is considered bad in our world or culture. But read more about it than I can explain here:


When I think of ethics or morality, the first thing that comes to mind is a set of principles or values that guide our behavior and decision-making. It involves distinguishing right from wrong and determining what is considered good or virtuous.

An example of an ethical belief is the principle of honesty. Honesty is an ethical value that emphasizes truthfulness, sincerity, and integrity in our actions and communications. It implies being truthful, not misleading or deceiving others, and adhering to a sense of fairness and accountability.

The reason honesty is considered an ethical belief is because it fosters trust, reliability, and respect in interpersonal relationships and society as a whole. When you are honest, you inspire confidence in others, build strong connections, and maintain a sense of integrity. It promotes open and transparent communication, allowing for the exchange of ideas and knowledge, and facilitates cooperation and collaboration. Without honesty, trust is eroded, relationships become strained, and social cohesion weakens.

To determine whether a belief or principle is ethical, it involves considering its impact on oneself, others, and society as a whole. It should align with values such as fairness, justice, compassion, and respect for individual rights. Additionally, ethical beliefs should be guided by logical reasoning and critical thinking, rather than personal bias or cultural norms.