The concept of the _______ of distance is illustrated by the fact that as cost increases with distance, interactions between people decrease. 

A. friction
B. relativity
C. flexibility
D. erosion

I am thinking either A or D.
But can't decide.

Neither A nor D is correct.

Than I'm totally lost!

What does your text say?

Ms.Sue the answer was A.friction

I was correct,thanks for the help anyways. God bless!

To determine the correct answer between options A (friction) and D (erosion) for the concept of the "_____ of distance" referred to in the statement, we need to understand the given statement and the meaning of the two options.

The statement suggests that as the cost increases with distance, interactions between people decrease. This implies that there is a factor that hinders or reduces the interactions between people as distance increases.

Option A: Friction - In the context of distance, friction may refer to the resistance or hindrance experienced when interacting over long distances. It represents the challenges or obstacles that may occur and deter interactions.

Option D: Erosion - Erosion typically refers to the gradual wearing away or deterioration of something. However, in the context of distance and interactions between people, erosion does not seem to be directly related.

Considering the context of the statement and the meanings of the options, the correct answer is option A: friction. The concept of friction of distance refers to the idea that as costs increase and interactions become more challenging due to distance, there is a decrease in interactions between people. Friction here represents the obstacles or difficulties that distance creates.

So, in this case, the answer is A (friction).