I failed my Terrorism multiple choice exam. The textbook is Understanding Terrorism & Managing the Consequences by Maniscalco and Christian. It's so hard to refer back to when I am being timed on a test and that's why I failed. Are there any experts out there on the topic? Or even better do you know how I can purchase this textbook as an etextbook. It would be so much easier for me to find information that way.

Thank you.

The purpose of a test is to find out what the student has learned in the class. That does not include looking up answers during a test!

However, Amazon seems to have copies of this text.


I'm sorry to hear that you struggled with your Terrorism multiple choice exam. It can sometimes be challenging to refer back to a physical textbook during a timed test, especially when dealing with complex topics like terrorism.

Luckily, there are various resources available that can help you better understand the subject. One option is to seek out experts or professionals who specialize in terrorism studies. They can provide valuable insights and guidance, and may even have specific recommendations for additional resources or study materials. You can reach out to local universities, research institutions, or professional organizations related to the field of terrorism studies to find experts who can assist you.

In addition, if you prefer to have the textbook in a more accessible format, you can consider purchasing an eTextbook version. Electronic textbooks allow for quick and easy searching and navigation, making it easier to find information during exams or while studying. To purchase the eTextbook version of "Understanding Terrorism & Managing the Consequences" by Maniscalco and Christian, you can try the following options:

1. Online bookstores: Websites like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Chegg often offer electronic versions of textbooks. Simply search for the title and authors of the book, and look for the eTextbook option. Make sure to check if the eTextbook is compatible with your device or reading platform.

2. Publisher's website: Visit the publisher's website of the textbook, and see if they offer eTextbook versions for sale or if they have any preferred online platforms for purchasing their eTextbooks.

3. Academic or institutional bookstore: If your university or institution has an official bookstore, check if they offer eTextbooks for sale. Sometimes, these stores have partnerships with online platforms that offer eTextbooks at discounted prices for students.

Remember, using an eTextbook can be more convenient for studying and referencing during exams, but it's important to familiarize yourself with the format and search features before your next test. Good luck!