Achille De gas in the Uniform of a cadet by Edgar Degas

How was the proportion used in this image?

A) to create a mood of tranquility
B) to create an optical illusion
C) to create a sense of perspective in the image
D) to make sure the person was drawn correctly

i think A

Well, I would not choose A, but art is in the eye off the beholder. Degas used proportion, I think, to give a sense of perspective, to keep your eye on the figure, not the background. But I don't know what your teacher is leading you to see.

This one? I think Reed is right. What else is going on in this painting?

To determine how proportion was used in the image "Achille De gas in the Uniform of a cadet" by Edgar Degas, we can analyze the artwork itself.

Proportion is a principle of art that involves the comparative size, scale, or ratio of elements within an artwork. It can be used to create various effects and convey specific messages or emotions.

In this particular image, the artist portrays Achille De Gas, the artist's younger brother, in a cadet uniform. The use of proportion in this artwork can be attributed to option C) to create a sense of perspective in the image.

Degas skillfully uses proportion to accurately depict the physical traits and features of his brother. By maintaining correct proportions, the artist ensures that the figure is realistically represented and that the image retains a sense of three-dimensional space. This attention to proportion helps create a lifelike representation of his brother in the artwork.

Therefore, option C) to create a sense of perspective in the image best describes how proportion was used in "Achille De gas in the Uniform of a cadet" by Edgar Degas.