Harry drove 4 hours on the freeway, then decreased his speed by 20 mph and drove for 2 more hours on a country road. if his total trip was 362 miles, then what was his speed on the freeway?

I really have no idea how to do this.

distance = 362 = 4 s + 2(s-20)

To find Harry's speed on the freeway, we can start by setting up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume Harry's speed on the freeway is "x" mph.

According to the problem, Harry drove 4 hours on the freeway, so he would cover a distance of 4x miles.

Then, Harry decreased his speed by 20 mph and drove for 2 more hours on a country road. This means he covered a distance of (x - 20) mph for 2 hours, which is equal to (2(x - 20)) = 2x - 40 miles.

The total distance covered on the entire trip is given as 362 miles. So, we can set up the equation:

4x + (2x - 40) = 362

Combining like terms, we have:

6x - 40 = 362

Adding 40 to both sides of the equation:

6x = 402

Dividing both sides by 6:

x = 67

Therefore, Harry's speed on the freeway was 67 mph.