With the help of following data, determine both the regression equations Psychology (X): Mean= 30, Standard deviation=1.6 Sociology (Y): Mean= 25, Standard deviation= 1.7 Coefficient of correlation = 0.95

To determine the regression equations using the provided data, you need to find the slope (β) and intercept (α) values. The regression equation for Psychology (X) can be represented as Y = α + βX, and the regression equation for Sociology (Y) can be represented as X = α' + β'Y.

First, let's find the slope (β) using the formula:

β = (rSy) / Sx

where r is the coefficient of correlation, Sy is the standard deviation of Y, and Sx is the standard deviation of X.

β = (0.95 * 1.7) / 1.6
β ≈ 1.005

Now, let's find the intercept (α) using the formula:

α = Ȳ - βX̄

where Ȳ is the mean of Y and X̄ is the mean of X.

α = 25 - (1.005 * 30)
α ≈ -5.15

Therefore, the regression equation for Psychology (X) is:

Y = -5.15 + 1.005X

To find the regression equation for Sociology (Y), we need to find the slope (β') and intercept (α').

β' = (rSx) / Sy

β' = (0.95 * 1.6) / 1.7
β' ≈ 0.895

Now, let's find the intercept (α'):

α' = X̄ - β'Ȳ

α' = 30 - (0.895 * 25)
α' ≈ 7.63

Therefore, the regression equation for Sociology (Y) is:

X = 7.63 + 0.895Y

So, the regression equation for Psychology (X) is Y = -5.15 + 1.005X, and the regression equation for Sociology (Y) is X = 7.63 + 0.895Y.