write the sentence as an absolute value inequality. I have no clue how to do this!

1 a number less than 4 units from 0

2. a number is more than 11 units from 8

3. half a number is at least 2 units from 20


To write the given sentences as absolute value inequalities, we need to understand the definition of absolute value. The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on the number line. It is always a positive value, regardless of whether the original number is positive or negative.

Now, let's convert each sentence into an absolute value inequality:

1. "A number less than 4 units from 0"

To represent this as an absolute value inequality, we start with the absolute value of the number and express it as less than 4:

|number| < 4

2. "A number is more than 11 units from 8"

For this sentence, we need to consider the absolute difference between the number and 8, and it should be greater than 11:

|number - 8| > 11

3. "Half a number is at least 2 units from 20"

In this case, we need to express the absolute value of half the number as being greater than or equal to 2 units away from 20:

|0.5 * number - 20| ≥ 2

In summary:

1. |number| < 4
2. |number - 8| > 11
3. |0.5 * number - 20| ≥ 2

Remember that these inequalities can be further simplified or solved depending on the context or specific requirements.