The neighbors and ______ shared the cost of the storage rental.

Which of the following options best completes the sentence above?
a. me
b. we
c. her
d. them

we sounds good

my reasoning:
me shared the cost of the storage rental. does not make sense
We shared the cost of the storage rental. this makes sense
Her shared the cost of the storage rental. does not make sense
Them shared the cost of the storage rental. does not make sense

'We' is correct.

correct. You might review the rules of pronoun case

Yes, you are correct. The correct answer is "we." It is because the sentence is talking about the neighbors and another group of people (which includes the speaker) sharing the cost of the storage rental. Therefore, "we" is the most suitable pronoun to complete the sentence.

Correct! The correct option to complete the sentence is "we." Here's how you can reason through it:

To determine the correct answer, you should consider the subject of the sentence and the verb tense used. In this case, the subject is "neighbors," which is a plural noun. Since the neighbors are sharing the cost of the storage rental, it makes sense to use a pronoun that also represents a plural group of people.

Looking at the options:
- "me" is a singular pronoun and wouldn't be appropriate because it doesn't match the plural subject.
- "we" is a plural pronoun that correctly matches the subject "neighbors." It is the best option.
- "her" is a singular pronoun and wouldn't be appropriate for the same reasons as "me."
- "them" is also a plural pronoun, but it is incorrect in this context because "them" should be used as the object of a sentence, not as the subject.

Therefore, "we" is the best option because it matches the plural subject "neighbors" and makes the sentence grammatically correct: "The neighbors and we shared the cost of the storage rental."