If 2/3 pound of candy costs $7 how much does 1 pound of candy cost?

Use a proportion. Cross multiply and solve for x.

(2/3)/7 = 1/x


To find out how much 1 pound of candy costs, we can use the given information that 2/3 pound of candy costs $7.

Step 1: Determine the cost of 1 pound of candy per fraction. Since 2/3 pound of candy costs $7, we need to find the cost of 1 pound. To do this, we divide the cost by the fraction, which in this case is 2/3:

Cost of 1 pound of candy = $7 ÷ (2/3) = $7 × (3/2) = $21/2 = $10.50

Therefore, 1 pound of candy costs $10.50.

9 cents