after the boston tea party, the british government closed the port of boston until order was restored and the cost of the tea had been rapid . far-away colonies like new york and south corlina began to send food and supplies to boston by road. what conclussions can you draw about the other colonies from this

They wanted to cooperate with and help each other.

A.) they did not want to pay taxes to british

B.) they felt sorry boston and angry with british
C.) they saw an opportunity to increase trade with boston
d. they were required to send supplies under british law

I'll be glad to check your answer.

is it a?

That's true, but there's a better answer


From this information, we can draw a few conclusions about the other colonies after the Boston Tea Party:

1. Unity and Support: The fact that far-away colonies like New York and South Carolina sent food and supplies to Boston shows a sense of unity and support among the colonies. Despite being geographically distant, they recognized the importance of helping Boston during this challenging time. This suggests that there was a growing sense of solidarity among the colonies.

2. Desire for Order: The closure of the Port of Boston by the British government demonstrates that they were trying to restore order and discipline after the Boston Tea Party incident. The fact that the other colonies sent food and supplies suggests that they recognized the need to help restore stability. This indicates a shared desire for maintaining order, even if they didn't agree with the British government's actions.

3. Resistance to British Rule: The action of sending food and supplies to Boston can be seen as an act of defiance against British rule. By supporting Boston in this manner, the other colonies were indirectly challenging the British government's authority. It highlights a growing sentiment of resistance to British control and a willingness to support each other in opposing their policies.

In summary, the conclusions we can draw about the other colonies from this information are that they exhibited unity and support, desired to restore order, and demonstrated resistance to British rule.