The place value of 4 in 36.54 is how many times the place value of the 4 in 24.81?


the place value of 4 in36.54 is 4×1/100 & the place value of 4 in24.81is4×1/1 so ans 100 times

To determine the place value of a digit in a number, you need to understand the concept of place value. In the decimal system, each digit has a specific position or place within a number, which determines its value.

Let's break down both numbers and compare the positions of the digit 4:

In the number 36.54:
- The digit 4 is in the ones place value (1/10).
- The digit 5 is in the tenths place value (1/100).
- The digit 6 is in the tens place value (10).

Now, let's break down the number 24.81:
- The digit 4 is in the ones place value (1/10).
- The digit 8 is in the tenths place value (1/100).
- The digit 1 is in the tens place value (10).

Comparing the positions of the digit 4 in both numbers, we see that in 36.54, the digit 4 is in the ones place value (1/10). In 24.81, the digit 4 is also in the ones place value (1/10).

Therefore, the place value of 4 in 36.54 is the same as the place value of 4 in 24.81. It appears once in both numbers, and both numbers have the same place value for that digit.