Use the digits 22468 find the number less than 70000 which has the same units and hundreds digit its thousands digit double its units digit

To find the number that satisfies the given conditions, we need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the available digits: 2, 2, 4, 6, and 8.
2. Determine the possible values for the thousands digit: Since the number has to be less than 70000, the thousands digit can only be 2 or 4.
3. Determine the possible values for the hundreds digit: Since the thousands digit is double the units digit, the only possibilities are 2 (when the units digit is 1) and 4 (when the units digit is 2).
4. Determine the possible values for the units digit: Since the thousands digit is double the units digit, the only possibility is 1.
5. Combine the digits obtained from steps 2, 3, and 4 to form the number: The possible numbers are 214, 412, and 614.

Therefore, the number less than 70000 that has the same units and hundreds digit with its thousands digit double its units digit is 214.