K2 is11,194 feet higher than Mt. Kenya. Write and solve an equation of Mt. Kenya. Please hep with this 9ne thanks

Height of K2 - 11,194 = height of Mt. Kenya.

You can't solve this equation, there's not enough information given.

To write and solve an equation for Mt. Kenya, let's first assign a variable to represent the height of Mt. Kenya. Let's call it 'M'.

According to the information given, K2 is 11,194 feet higher than Mt. Kenya. Therefore, the height of K2 can be represented by 'M + 11,194'.

Since the equation asks for the equation of Mt. Kenya, we can set up the equation as:

M = K2 - 11,194

To solve for Mt. Kenya's height, we need to have the height of K2. If you have the height of K2, you can substitute it into the equation and solve for 'M'.